About Giftedness
“Some people don’t think we need to invest much in the most-gifted kids; they’ll be fine. But that’s like saying a great athlete will be great no matter what, so we don’t need expert coaches.” — Bob Davidson, Closing America’s High-Achievement Gap 2013
In addition to our section on General Resources for the Gifted, the following are particular articles, documents, presentations, books, blogs, etc. that may be helpful in understanding the idea of “giftedness.”Please note that GEAC does not endorse any of the particular resources listed here. These links are provided for informational purposes only.
“The Gifted Child (and Adult!)
“Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally.” (Columbus Group, 1991)
What It’s Like to Have an ADHD Brain by Natalie Slivinski, article from Medium
High Achiever, Gifted Learner or Creative Thinker?, article from Daves Creek Elementary
High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker by Bertie Kingore, Ph.D.
Gifted: A Psychotherapist’s Perspective by Paula Prober, article from Rebelle Society
Realizing that you are gifted-will it make a difference? by Paula Prober, from Your Rainforest Mind
Gifted at a Glance (including Is My Child Gifted?) by the National Association for Gifted Children
What is Giftedness?, article from the Gifted Development Center
Giftedness 101, article from the Gifted Development Center
Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration, article by Carol Bainbridge
Overexcitability and the Gifted [aka Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities], article by Sharon Lind, gifted education and parenting consultant and SENG contributor
Addressing the Elephant in the Room: How to Talk About Giftedness, slides (with presenters’ notes) of a presentation from the 2014 SENG Annual Conference
Gifted Children and Adults — Neglected Areas of Practice, article by James T. Webb, PhD (SENG founder) published in National Register of Health Service Psychologists
Defining Giftedness, list of articles compiled by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
The “G” Word, blog hop hosted by Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
Gifted, How?, blog hop hosted by Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
Math Resources, by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Art Resources, by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Language Resources, by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Science Resources, by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
History, Civics, Social Studies by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Twice Exceptional (2e)What is 2e? by the 2e Newsletter
A Primer for Parents: Where to Turn When You’re New to the 2e World and Feeling Overwhelmed by the 2e Newsletter
Twice Exceptional (2e) Issues, list of articles compiled by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, Depression, and Other Disorders, by F. Richard Olenchak, et al
GEAC past President Carol Lewis’ PowerPoint presentation on Twice Exceptional (2e) from March 2017 meeting can be found here.
GEAC past President Carol Lewis’ handout from presentation on Twice Exceptional (2e) from March 2018 meeting can be found here.
GEAC past President Carol Lewis’ handout from presentation on Twice Exceptional (2e) from March 2018 meeting can be found here (PDF version).
Parenting the Gifted Child
New to gifted? Check out the Gifted Parenting 101 (PDF) from
GEAC past President Carol Lewis.A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children, by James T. Webb, PhD, et al
Parenting Gifted Kids, by James Delisle, PhD
Living with Intensity, by Susan Daniels, PhD and Michael M. Piechowski, PhD
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings, by Christine Fonseca
Gifted Parenting, blog hop hosted by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Living with Gifted Children, list of articles compiled by Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
Appropriate Expectations for the Gifted Child, article by Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E., co-author of A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children and Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
What Parents Should Expect for the Gifted Child: How to Make It Happen, article by Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E., co-author of A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children and Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model
What Your [Gifted] Kids Want You To Know, PowerPoint by Jane Hesslein, SENG Director, and teacher at Seattle Country Day.
Gifted Education
Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds, by Jan and Bob Davidson with Laura Vanderkam
Gifted Education in the U.S. by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
FAQs About Gifted Education by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
Common Gifted Education Myths by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). A printable version is available here.
Powerpoint presentation on College and the Gifted Student from February 2016 meeting can be found here.